Please direct all general enquiries and correspondence by email using our Contacts Us form or by post to Council of Heritage Motor Clubs, PO Box 834, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620 

Council has an elected Committee of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,  Registration & TfNSW Liaison Officer, Registrar and Webpublisher, Council also has  Assistants to some roles.  All are unpaid and work voluntarily for the benefit of CHMC clubs and their members. Council's Committee undertakes the ongoing role of representing CHMC members at State and National levels in matters concerning the operation and preservation of heritage, historic vehicles and classic vehicles, including regular meetings with Transport for NSW at the Historic & Classic Vehicle Industry, Vehicle Standards and Road Safety Working Groups, and with TFNSW senior managers, as required. 

  • PRESIDENT: Jim Hatton, Dinosaur Drivers Register Cowra Branch. 
  • VICE-PRESIDENT: Ray Ives, Newcastle District Vintage Car Club.
  • SECRETARY: Chris Hilbrick-Boyd, Southern Tablelands Heritage Automotive Restorers Club. Email the Secretary
  • ASSISTANT SECRETARY: Chris Hatton, Dinosaur Drivers Register, Cowra Branch.
  • TREASURER: Maxine Beale, Namoi Valley Antique Vehicle Club.                           
  • VEHICLE REGISTRATION & TfNSW Liaison : Peter Wright, Tamworth Vintage Car Club.                 
  • REGISTRAR: Alan Early, Tamworth Vintage Car Club 
  • WEBPUBLISHER: Jenny Fawbert, Vintage Motor Club. 
  • COMMITTEE MEMBER: Mike Beale, Namoi Valley Antique Vehicle Club.