The CHMC holds -

  • The CHMC Annual Rally, some years held over the Easter long weekend, or for 3-4 days in April or May or June, is hosted by a different CHMC Affiliated Club each year. This event is open to all heritage and historic vehicles 30 years and older and entered by a member of an Affiliated Club or to members of clubs to which the CHMC extends invitations. This event has been run annually since 1971 and is widely known as "The Easter Rally" or "Bush Council Rally" .  The Annual Rallies bring 100-200 heritage and historic vehicles and 300-500 people into regional centres and surrounding areas for 4 days of touring, displays and socialising. It was been estimated that the CHMC Annual Rally generates several hundred thousand dollars for regional economies though accommodation, catering, supplies and tourism. 
  • CHMC Meetings. The CHMC Annual General Meeting  is held in conjunction with the Annual Rally and attended by delegates and observers from each of the Council's affiliated clubs.  A CHMC General Meeting or half-yearly meeting is held annually in October and hosted in turn by an Affiliated Club.
  • CHMC workshops, forums and information days are held throughout the State and online. These events cover topics that are highly relevant to club officials and representatives, and cover topics such as the latest accurate information on historic and classic vehicle registration, club governance and management. The events may be either in-person meetings in a regional centre, or held online, as best suits.

Club Events

Council's member clubs hold regular motoring, display and social events in their own local areas, further information on these local events should be directed to the relevant local CHMC club/s. Events organised by our Affiliated Clubs as well as other relevant historic motoring events are advertised on the Events Page.

National Motoring Heritage Day (NMHD)

Council supports, through its member clubs, National Motoring Heritage Day, held annually on the 3rd Sunday in May and is supported by heritage and historic motoring clubs throughout Australia. Thousands of vehicles from the oldest veterans to the youngest collectable (30 years old) cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes, ex-military vehicles and tractors get out and about promoting Australia's motoring heritage to the wider community, and showing business and government the strength of the Australian heritage and historic motoring movement. NMHD is an initiative first proposed by the Australian Historic Motoring Federation.

NMHD promotes Australia's strong motoring heritage, and demonstrates, by heritage and historic vehicle actually out and about on the roads, the strength and importance of the Australian historic motoring movement. Australia’s historic motoring movement has a massive input into the economy. The historic motoring sector puts significant money into the national economy with the restoration and maintenance of heritage and historic vehicles, there are also major economic benefits to many businesses (e.g. motels, caravan parks, hotels, restaurants,service stations, etc.) in the towns and cities where historic motoring events events are hosted.

National Motoring Heritage Day is supported by heritage and historic motoring clubs throughout Australia. In NSW clubs affiliated with the CHMC take out their historic cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses and ex-military vehicles with family and friends. For regional or local NMHD event details contact your local CHMC Club

National Motoring Heritage Day is held annually on the the 3rd Sunday in May.