On this page:
• Vehicle Registration Documents
• CHMC Bulletins and Online media
• CHMC Membership
• CHMC Position Papers
• CHMCHandbook
• CHMC Resources - Disaster Recover: Floods or Fires


CHMC provides up-to-date information on the  registration procedures for historic and classic vehicles in NSW. Council works with TfNSW to ensure that the information we publish is correct. Our member clubs are all recognised by TfNSW to approve vehicles for Historic Vehicle Registration  

CHMC is a TfNSW Approved Organisation for Classic Vehicle Scheme  registration applications from members of its affiliated clubs 


CHMC regularly publishes accurate and current information vital to those who operate historic and classic vehicles in NSW, and to assist the good governance of our affiliated clubs

  • Dinkum Oil a brief bulletin of sent to all CHMC Clubs, formatted for easy emailing to club members or publishing in club newsletters and magazines. 
  • CHMC Facebook  for the latest information about events and vehicles, as well as communications from Council and our allied organisations. 
  • CHMC Website

Bush Telegraph was Council's newsletter before Dinkum Oil, use the link to read archived issues.


NEW  MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRIES AND APPLICATIONS are very welcome from clubs dedicated to the preservation and use of our motoring heritage.

For information about joining the CHMC please contact our Registrar for an Information Pack for your club, and read here about Membership benefits

RENEWALS CLUB  RENEWAL NOTICES are sent annually to each Club's Secretary - if your club has not renewed notice for the current year please contact the CHMC Secretary 


Following careful consideration of 2 Position Statements from the international peak body, FIVA, Council's Committee presented to Delegates at the 2023 CHMC General Meeting the following documents, which were then endorsed by the Delegates:

  1. Definition of a Heritage Vehicle
  2. Electric Conversion of Heritage Vehicles


CHMC Handbook for Clubs covers: •  Want to get Involved? • Management Committee • Position Profiles • Publications Policy - Web & Bush Telegraph • Hosting a Half-Yearly Meeting • Hosting Council’s Annual Rally • Council’s Perpetual Trophies • Mal Mason Shield - Background & Guidelines • Concours d’Elegance - Guidelines • Australian Motorlife Museum Trophy - Guidelines • Other Perpetual Trophies - Guidelines • Council’s Judging Team • Endorsement of Events • Privacy Laws, the Council and Member Clubs • Clubs that have hosted an Annual Rally • Clubs that have won the Mal Mason Shield.

DISASTER RECOVERY FOR HISTORIC VEHICLES, tractors, antique machinery and documents  - floods OR bushfires 

CHMC has prepared an information for those whose historic vehicles or antique machinery are impacted by fire or flood.

Provided copyright-free by CHMC for those who most need this information.